Teaching: Academic & Specialist Courses
I have taught across a wide range of courses at UCT from first year to Ph.D. level. These include:
Undergraduate economics courses: micro, macro, development, public, quantitative methods, applied international trade bargaining.
Postgraduate economics courses: development, labour, policy analysis, growth & governance, economic growth, economics of waste & the circular economy.
In 2023 I taught my book, How data quality affects our understanding of the earnings distribution, as a 2-day, 16-hour workshop at the University of Paris-1 Pantheon Sorbonne. This book is best treated as part of a Masters / PhD course in Microeconometrics.
I have also taught in the 2nd year Masters / Ph.D. program at the Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi, India in 2020: Econometric Applications 2.
I was also involved in the economics undergraduate curriculum change project at UCT in the School of Economics. Some background can be found at this 2015 Johannesburg Stock Exchange Magazine article here.
I have taught specialist courses / workshops / given TED-type talks in different forums, including:
Inclusive Green Economy in Practise: Policy instruments for valorizing waste and developing a circular economy.
Graduate School of Development Policy and Practise: Poverty and inequality masterclass.
Graduate School of Development Policy and Practise: Evidence-based policy making and implementation.
Graduate School of Business: Post-Graduate Diploma in Trade Law & Policy Management.
National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS): Panel data econometrics course.